Sunday, June 3, 2007

If you haven’t seen the special report by Chris Carpenter
yet on his new software called Google Cash Detective,
drop everything and download his free ebook!

Chris Carpenter is famous for his “Google Cash” that was
released in 2003. It was an overnight success, and that
was easiest way to make money online then. Just by
creating a direct affiliate link in Google adword, people
started to make extra thousands of dollars that year.

However, because everybody started to use the same
technique, graducally the market has become more
competitive and more difficult for most people to make
decent money.

Chris always made an effort to create a product that
is so easy to use, even for newbies. In his report, he
actually tested a 15 year old half Mexican and half
Japanese who barely spoke English with his method
using his new software. This software is like a Messiah
for a newbie, but it’s basically death of sales for people
who are already making a tons of money through
affiliate commissions. It’s not illegal or unehtical either.

It shows:

1. Instantly how to find out which new market is profitable.

2. Exact keywords from profitable campaines that people
have been testing and tweaking into perfection.

3. Basically beats the competition with exactly the same
keywords and it outbids them!

This means you don’t need to test your new market, and
you don’t need to pay for an expensive “Wordtracker” or
softwares like “Keyword Elite” because you can get the
exact keywords that are profitable.

Honestly, I have not seen this kind of software before.
It’s even better than “RichJerk’s X-ray” software or
“Wealthy Affiliate’s Tools.”

Find out more information here.

By the way, after downloading the ebook for free, you will
get a special link, and whoever downloads the report from
your link will get $.50 as well. So send it to a couple
hundred of your friends.

Hey Friends,

Imagine having Google Cash creator and
expert, Chris Carpenter, call you every day
and tell you the following:

- what affiliate program to promote - which
keywords to use - and what Ad Copy to use on
Google Adwords

How many profitable streams of income would
you setup if you knew that they were
profitable before even starting them?
In a special new report, Chris Carpenter,
will show you how technology is now making
this possible with almost scary precision.
You don't want to miss out on's
going to be the most important report you've
ever read.

How much does it cost? It's free.

Go get your copy now!

To your success,

Hey Friends,

What video you may ask?

Well let me first start off by saying, that
if you haven't seen the video then there's a
good chance that our bank account is in
the process of quietly being sucked dry by a new
class of techno-thieves.

Well they are not really thieves and what
they are doing is not illegal, but they are
(not so politely) taking any current or
future profits right from under your nose.

In this new special report by Chris
Carpenter of Google Cash, he shows you a new
technology that is helping those that use
it, to be more profitable than ever in the
history of affiliate marketing on the

You don't want to miss out on this one. It
certainly help you become more profitable
than ever, however, if you are unaware of
these technologies it will be harder than
ever to make a profit as an affiliate

This is a must read.

Check it out.

To your success,

Hi Friends,

I just read a fascinating report about how technology is changing the face of
affiliatemarketing...literally overnight.

If you have it, you'll be more profitable than ever. If you don't have out -- You'll be blown into the stone ages.

Read this report right now before all of your profits are sucked dry.

It's free so check it out immediately.

To your success,

Hi Friends!

"How do I find profitable affiliate

That's the burning question that everyone
wants to know, right?

And then questions that usually follow from
that such as: "Which keywords will I use?"
"What is the best ad copy to use?

An excellent new report is out by Chris
Carpenter of Google Cash, and is free by the
way :-) reveals how new technology is
changing all of that.

It shows you how you can actually know what
affiliate programs are actually profitable,
which keywords to use, and which Ad copy to
use with near scary accuracy!

These are exciting times, indeed. However,
those who don't take advantage of this
technology will be left in the dust...pennyless.
And those that do learn about this and take
full advantage will be more profitable than ever.

Go read the report right now, before they
take it down!

To your success,


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Google Cash Strikes Back

You can now download the special report by Chris Carpenter,
"Google Cash Strikes Back." There are two video included
in this and it show you the Google Cash Detective in Action.
Very Cool.